Monday, August 20, 2012

memories of the Iowa State Fair and the fairgrounds themselves are still memories i own .
 these were the days you could dump off your kids and somehow they materialized later in the day .
 chicken in a glass box with a mini b. ball hoop. donate a nickel. chicken shoots hoops. gets
 older brother david paying for me & him to play squirt the clown in the mouth game  . i won ..   
 won x4 bottles of coke (glass bottles) playing ring toss. carried all day.. dropped as we were leaving.
 THE CRANE GAME. Love the crane game!
 Dave Fiedler drove dirt track .(old school Nascar) we watched the race from the pits . no walls..
 the Butter Cow. is it one big piece? or a bunch of little pieces. this baby has a cult following ...

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